Abstract: We are using multi-PMTs (mPMTs) as the photosensors for the
Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector (IWCD), the proposed near detector
for the approved Hyper-Kamiodande experiment. The IWCD mPMT design has
nineteen 3" PMTs enclosed in a water-tight pressure vessel, along with
the associated electronics. The 3" PMTs provide excellent spatial
imaging of the neutrino-induced Cherenkov light ring. This talk will
describe the mechanical design of the mPMT, as well as the design of the
digitizing electronics. Some of the key features of the mPMT design
i) new Hamamatsu 3" PMTs with improved timing resolution.
ii) UV-transparent acrylic dome with gel coupling between the PMTs and the acrylic.
iii) FADC digitization in order to handle the expected high rate of
neutrino interactions during the J-PARC beam spill.
We will describe the results from several different prototype mPMTs we
have constructed, as well as the plans for mass production.