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Introduction to Quantum Computing

Aula B (Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE))

Aula B

Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE)

Javier Mas (S)

Quantum Computation is becoming a viable alternative for high complexity problems, too hard to address in classical computation, with or without acceleration.  Recently, Google has demonstrated that there are particular problems that can be solved efficiently on a quantum computer, while demanding prohibitively high  resources in classical computation.

Quantum Computation represents an important change of paradigm, where the concept of bit gets transformed into a quantum bit, or qubit, which affords for an enormous information storage and processing capacity. In this course, the basic concepts of Quantum Computation will be introduced at a conceptual level. An abundant set of exercises will allow to acquire sufficient skill to develop your own quantum algorithms and circuits. 



- Introduction to the Quantum Computation. Working with one qubit.

- Multiple qubit. 

- Introduction to the quantum simulator ProjectQ

- Basic quantum algorithms.

- Advanced quantum algorithms for quantum computation. Hibrid algorithms: HHL, VQE, optimization, QML, etc. 


Timetable:  17:00 to  20:00  Monday 20th to Thursday 23rd January 2020.

- Familiarity with Jupiter - iPython notebooks.
- Register in the platform: 'IBM Quantum Experience' (
- Installing python 3.x.x and the packages ProjectQ and Qiskit on your laptop, in order to do the exercises. 

Course Materials, including presentation and exercises will be available for download on the same day of the course. 

Of interest for
- reaserchers
- teachers 
-  CIT professionals, 
- students

NOTE: access to the IBM Quantum Experience platform will depend on availability.  


Registration Form
  • Adolfo Otero Fumega
  • Adrian Casais Vidal
  • Aklesh Mishra
  • Alberto Rivadulla Sánchez
  • Aldán Creo Mariño
  • Alejandro Vilar López
  • Alexandre Brea Rodríguez
  • Andrés Berridi Puertas
  • Anxo Biasi
  • areeba shoaib
  • baayer aziz
  • Carlos A Salgado
  • Daniele Musso
  • David García-Selfa
  • Diego Alejandro Herrera Burgos
  • diego martinez santos
  • Gabriel María Carral López
  • Gonzalo Díaz López
  • Guillermo Blanco Filgueira
  • harold manquillo
  • Irene Portela
  • Isabel Suárez Fernández
  • Javier Castro Luaces
  • Javier Mas Sole
  • Jose Queiruga
  • Josefina Cresta
  • José Antonio Zumalave Rivas
  • José Espinoza Peralta
  • José M. Sánchez de Santos
  • Juan Ammerman Yebra
  • Lan Wei
  • Lorena Dieste Maroñas
  • Manuel Sánchez Torrón
  • Marcos González Martínez
  • Marcos Romero
  • Marcos Seco Miguelez
  • Mauro Risonho de Paula Assumpção
  • Maya AlSousli
  • Miguel Ángel Escobedo Espinosa
  • Mikas Abeje
  • mohammad kamaneh
  • Muhammad Husnain Shahid
  • Nayana J S
  • Noora Abbas Alameri
  • Pablo Fuentes López
  • Pedro Augusto Agostini Infante
  • Rehan Budhan Khan Pathan Khan
  • Ricardo Vazquez
  • Rohit Raj
  • Sanyukta Agarwal
  • Suresh Pydi
  • Uttarkar Naveen Kumar
  • Viduranga Landers
  • Víctor Vila
  • Xabier Feal