10–11 Mar 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Insight into axial channeling for particle steering

10 Mar 2020, 17:05


to be defined


Vincenzo Guidi (Universita e INFN, Ferrara (IT))


Axial channeling consists of coherent orientational interaction of charged particles with the strings of a crystal. In contrast to more known planar channeling, for which particle interaction occurs with the planes, axial channeling occurs with particle trajectory is nearly aligned with the lattice strings. In the case of a bent crystal, chaotic scattering on atomic strings is the basis of stochastic mechanism of particle deflection.
The advantages of these effects w.r.t. the planar coherent effects are:
1) The axial field is several times stronger than the planar one, providing larger angle of deflection, larger angular acceptance for the incident beam and increasing the intensity and hardness of radiation;
2) Most of the particles under axial channeling are over-barrier (except a small percentage under hyperchanneling). Thereby, being mostly over-barrier, axial effects are effective not only for positive but also for negative particles unlike the planar channeling effect.
We review the basic of axial channeling, highlight some newly achieved results and draw some conclusions.

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