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Applications of Crystals and Nanotubes for Acceleration and Manipulation
The concepts of beam acceleration or guidance in crystals or nanostructures hold the promises of ultra-high accelerating gradients or continuous focusing and extremely strong bending, respectively. These features make crystals and nanotubes highly attractive for future high-energy physics colliders. The ARIES workshop on Application of Crystals and Nanotubes for Beam Acceleration or Manipulation, ACN2020, will review the progress of these two concepts over the past years and discuss key issues towards proof-of-principle demonstrations and promising proposed applications. The workshop will also promote discussions among teams working on pertinent technologies and the beam physics community, in order to develop a roadmap of future steps and possible key experiments.
You are kindly invited to attend the ACN2020 workshop, which is organized in the frame of ARIES WP6 "APEC", in collaboration with EPFL, U. Padova, CERN and CHART.
Sincerely, Frank Zimmermann (CERN and ARIES), Marco Zanetti (INFN-U Padova and ARIES) and Tatiana Pieloni (EPFL and CHART).
Atomic-scale TV/m wakefields in fiber-like nanostructured tubes are elucidated to be realizable using nonlinear tube surface electron “crunch-in” oscillations. Effective excitation of surface crunch-in oscillations as tube wakefields can sustain electron density waves with wavebreaking fields that offer many GeV energy gain in sub-millimeter nanostructured tube modules. A proof-of-principle prototype is now within reach using the convergence of recently demonstrated near solid density submicron particle beams and the emergent attosecond x-ray lasers with the advances in nanofabrication. Atomic wakefield module not only accelerates solid-density beams which stimulate the realization of “TeV on a chip” but also opens up controlled radiation production using nanometric beam oscillations in TV/m focusing tube wakefields.
Channeling and coherent interactions of charged particles in crystals have been known since the 60s and used as a tool for material analysis by low-energy ion channeling and for the generation of linearly polarized γ-beams through coherent bremsstrahlung at electron accelerators. Here, we report on a series of experiments carried out at the MAinzer MIkrotron with the aim of investigating the electromagnetic radiation generated by 855 MeV electrons in straight and bent crystals [1,2]. The results have been critically compared to Monte Carlo simulations, showing a strong enhancement of emitted radiation if compared with standard bremsstrahlung. These results are relevant for crystal-based intense gamma sources, beam steering as well as for the generation of e.m. radiation in bent and periodically bent crystals, i.e. crystalline undulators. Furthermore, the intense channeling radiation could be exploited for the realization of crystal-based positron source for future colliders [3].
[1] L. Bandiera et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 355 (2015) 44.
[2] A. Sytov, L. Bandiera et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 901.
[3] R.Chehab et al., Phys. Lett. B 525 (2002) 41.
Axial channeling consists of coherent orientational interaction of charged particles with the strings of a crystal. In contrast to more known planar channeling, for which particle interaction occurs with the planes, axial channeling occurs with particle trajectory is nearly aligned with the lattice strings. In the case of a bent crystal, chaotic scattering on atomic strings is the basis of stochastic mechanism of particle deflection.
The advantages of these effects w.r.t. the planar coherent effects are:
1) The axial field is several times stronger than the planar one, providing larger angle of deflection, larger angular acceptance for the incident beam and increasing the intensity and hardness of radiation;
2) Most of the particles under axial channeling are over-barrier (except a small percentage under hyperchanneling). Thereby, being mostly over-barrier, axial effects are effective not only for positive but also for negative particles unlike the planar channeling effect.
We review the basic of axial channeling, highlight some newly achieved results and draw some conclusions.
Simulation models and worldwide experimental campaigns shows that coherent interactions between charged particle beam and crystals can be exploited at high-intensity particle beams at ultra-high energy accelerators for efficient particle beam steering. Indeed, a properly shaped tiny silicon crystal can deliver the same steering effect which would be delivered by a multi hundred Tesla dipole. As a result, crystals might play a relevant role for the development of new generations of high-energy and high-intensity particle accelerators, and might disclose innovative possibilities at existing ones. We describe the most advanced manufacturing techniques of crystals suitable for operations at ultra-high energy and ultra-high intensity particle accelerators.
Hollow plasma channels can be modelled as shells of heavy ions, populated by pre-ionised electrons. Although this model does not take into account the crystalline structure of a solid, hence neglecting the properties emerging from such structure, it is adopted here as a simplistic approximation of a carbon nanotube (CNT). This approach allows for the investigation of beam--driven wakefields using conventional particle-in-cell (PIC) codes. Simulation results for a single hollow-plasma-channel show how such wakefields are affected by the hollow plasma radius and wall thickness. Moreover, wakefield excitation in an array of hollow plasma channels is investigated. In this case, the effect of changing the spacing between consecutive hollow plasma channels is also evaluated.