Yosuke Ashida
(Kyoto University)
1/12/21, 4:35 PM
Ara Ioannisian
(YerPhI and ITPM)
1/12/21, 5:05 PM
Sub-GeV atmospheric neutrino oscillations are a promising source of information on the leptonic CP phase δ. In that energy range the oscillations are very fast, far beyond the resolution of modern neutrino detectors. However, the necessary averaging over those fast oscillations does not wash out the CP violation effects. The propagation/oscillation of 3 neutrinos is reduced to 2 neutrino...
Kazufumi Sato
(ISEE, Nagoya Univ.)
1/12/21, 5:40 PM
Laurence Cook
(IPMU University of Tokyo and University of Oxford)
1/12/21, 6:10 PM
Anatoli Fedynitch
1/12/21, 6:50 PM
Baran Bodur
(Duke University)
1/13/21, 4:00 PM
Mohammad Sajjad Athar
(Aligarh Muslim University)
1/13/21, 4:20 PM
Lorenzo Bonechi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
1/13/21, 5:30 PM
Thi Hien Doan
(National Central University (TW))
1/13/21, 6:00 PM
Yoshikazu Nagai
(University of Colorado Boulder (US))
1/13/21, 6:20 PM
Tetsuro Sekiguchi
1/13/21, 6:40 PM