Oct 3 – 8, 2022
Split, Croatia
Europe/Zagreb timezone


For all participants of the LHC Days conference, Hotel Cornaro (where the conference will be held) has prepared a special offer. With the code LHC2022 you can book a room at this 4 star hotel for a special price of 100 EUR/day for 1 person (~120 EUR/day with tax). The offer is only available in the period 02/10/2022 - 08/10/2022. There is also a special offer of 200 EUR/day for 2 people.


Link for booking at Hotel Cornaro as a participant of LHCDays: https://direct-book.com/properties/cornarohoteldirect


More information about the hotel can be found here: https://cornarohotel.com


As the conference is in the center of the city down-town we suggest that you find centrally located accommodation.


As an option one can contact tourist agency (https://putovanja.nomago.hr/ ; travel@nomago.hr) to help you find accommodation.