ALICE Tier-1/Tier-2 Workshop in Budapest

Mercure Budapest Castle Hill

Mercure Budapest Castle Hill

The workshop venue Google map coordinates:
Gabor Biro (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU)), Gergely Barnafoldi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU)), Latchezar Betev (CERN), Peter Levai (Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner RCP) (HU))

The Tenth Annual ALICE Tier-1/Tier-2 Workshop will be hosted by the Institute For Particle and Nuclear Physics, Wigner Research Centre, in the capital of Hungary, Budapest

Wigner Research Centre for Physics

The Wigner Research Centre carries out a diverse physics and technical programmes in Hungary as well as around the world as a member of almost all large international physics collaborations. Today, Wigner Research Centre and the Centre for Energy Research occupy the site of the old KFKI (Központi Fizikai Kutató Intézet) of the Hungarian Academy of Science. Since 2013, the the world-class Wigner Data Center (the extension of the CERN T0) has also been part of the research center.

Workshop goals

With a delay of one year due to the COVID pandemic, in July 2022 the LHC successfully  commenced Run3 at the highest energy proton-proton collisions at 13.6 TeV and ALICE commenced data taking with entirely upgraded detector and software. During the pandemic, an important upgrade of the Grid middleware was also done, namely we have a brand new middleware JAliEn, now installed and running on all sites. Although the transition happened gradually and quietly, the involvement of all sites was crucial for its success. At the beginning of 6 years of intense data taking and data processing there are multitude of topics to go though concerning the changes in the ALICE Grid operation. We plan to discuss these at the workshop, which will be centered on presenting the ALICE operation model in Run3 and 4, description of the new middleware  and how it affects the sites and other topics of mutual interest - storage, network and resources growth.

As always, the workshop is a great place to meet and discuss with everyone involved in the development and operation of the ALICE distributed computing facilities, as well as the developers of Grid mddleware and storage solutions.

The workshop will take place at the conference centre of  Mercure Budapest Castle Hill hotel in the centre of Budapest. In addition to the conference, the local organizers have secured rooms in the hotel at a very competitive prices. More details on that in the Accomodation section.

On the last day of the workshop, there will be a visit to the Wigner Data Center, which hosts an ALICE Analysis Facility and the Tier-2 site of the ALICE Budapest Group. If you wish to participate in the visit, please indicate this on the workshop registration page. 

Registration deadline:  19 September 2022

Workshop fee: 250, please refer to the "Payment of workshop fee" page.

Map of Budapest with points of interest....
