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6–8 Jul 2021
Brazil/East timezone

Historical of LISHEP

Historical of LISHEP

Lishep was created in 1993 to cover a missing meeting in Brazil, mainly in Rio de Janeiro, where the majority of the HEP Brazilian groups are residents. Initially its name was related to a new CBPF Department, named LAFEX- Cosmology and High Energy Physics Laboratory. Later the Cosmology Group went to ICRA, and Lafex by imposition of the administration of CBPF become CLAFEX. To be independent of these changes we decided to adopt for the School just “International School on High Energy Physics”, although maintaining the same acronym. 

LISHEP was promoted by AIAFEX – The Association of the Friends of High Energy Physics. This organization does not have any profit purpose and serve as a bridge between the Public and Private organizations as well as for the School Organization.

The LISHEP was formerly divided in 3 Sessions, and a fourth was added in 2002. All Sessions have an experimental and phenomenological approach.

SESSION A – Science on Secondary School

This Session is devoted to a special public: Secondary and Primary School Teachers, Science Journalists, and any other professional interested in a direct contact with Researchers. 
It is the main purpose to approximate Teachers and Researchers in a direct contact. Beyond this, we intend to promote a high quality scientific popularization. The School does not intend to promote Physics courses, stricto sensu. A typical year of this session was promoted in 2004: “One hundred years of Particle Physics”.

SESSION B – Advanced School in HEP

The Session B is dedicated to graduate students and young researchers in High Energy Physics. One topic each two years is chosen to be developed by invited lecturers. The Lecturers are always specialists on the subject and known researchers. We intend to stimulate the student to experimental researches.

SESSION C – Workshop in HEP

This session is designed to complement session B, and planed for researchers in HEP to communicate their results to their community. Here again, each year a subject to be developed during the workshop is chosen contemplating contemporary subjects. For example we had a year dedicated to Heavy Flavor Physics, and one week after for the first time outside of United States the Top Discovery was announced.

SESSION D – HEP Associated Technologies 

This was the last session created by the team of LISHEP, dedicated to complement the other sessions on Detectors, Accelerators, Computing and all technologies associated to the HEP experiments. We already did twice the Digital Divide and HEPGRID Workshop. 

We are convinced that all these sessions are necessary and fruitful to contribute for the development of HEP community in Brazil and Latin America. LISHEP has received financial support from several Brazilian institutions and from Laboratories of High Energy Physics sending specialists to participate in all Sessions. LISHEP team claims that the participation of the American and European students is fundamental to stimulate future collaborators and to stress, once more, the international nature of HEP collaborations.

More recently we have promoting more than one session together like in 2020 when we have  a session like a School in the morning and a session like a Workshop in the afternoons. The financial support is more dificult to get it.

Director of LISHEP: Alberto Santoro