Oct 24 – 29, 2022
Hoam Faculty House at Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA
Asia/Seoul timezone

Reassessing the models of neutrino-nucleus interactions (ONLINE)

Oct 26, 2022, 3:10 PM
Convention Center (Hoam Faculty House at Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA)

Convention Center

Hoam Faculty House at Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA

Seoul National University Hoam Faculty House 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-Gu, Seoul, Korea


Prof. Omar Benhar (INFN, Roma)


Recent results showing that lattice calculations provide a remarkably good description of the measured vector form factors of the nucleon indicate that this approach has reached a high level of reliability. I will report the results of calculations of the cross section of the process 12C(νμ,μ- p) averaged over the neutrino fluxes of the MiniBooNE and T2K experiments. The analysis has been carried out using the spectral function formalism and the axial form factor obtained from lattice QCD [1]. Based on the results of this study, I will propose a reassessment of the roles of mechanisms other than single-nucleon knock out in the determination of the neutrino nucleus cross section.

[1] S. Park et al., Phys. Rev. D 105, 054505 (2022)


Prof. Omar Benhar (INFN, Roma)

Presentation materials