Neutrino CC and NC Scattering without Pion Production 2
- Michael Kirby (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Next generation neutrino oscillation experiments are poised to provide answers to key questions about the nature of the neutrino. The axial form factor is a vital ingredient in the nucleon amplitudes used to predict quasielastic scattering, a primary signal measurement process for flagship neutrino oscillation experiments, yet the uncertainty on this form factor is vastly underestimated by the...
The next generation of neutrino oscillation experiments require precise predictions of neutrino-nucleus cross sections as well as control over their uncertainties, including the contribution of model dependence to the overall error budget. To this end we compare two methods of computing $CC0\pi$ flux folded cross sections; an ab-initio method based on Greens Function Monte Carlo, and a Quantum...