September 28, 2020 to October 9, 2020
Genoa, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

The EASITrain Project is organising a 2020 School (EASISchool 3) at CNR - SPIN Genoa, Italy.

The academic program (28 September - 6 October) consists of academic seminars on applied superconductivity with focus on:

1. Superconducting devices sensing and quantum computation

2. RF superconductivity and accelerating cavities

3. Superconducting magnets design modelling and manufacturing

  • The courses will take place in CNR - SPIN Genoa, Corso Ferdinando Maria Perrone, 24, 16152 Genoa, Italy
  • Conference rooms: Sala Azzurra and Sala Rosa

See the timetable on "Academic Program Timetable".

The last two days (8 - 9 October) are reserved for the Researchers organised Workshop 

  • The workshop will take place in CNR - SPIN Genoa
  • You can find the agenda here

You can find the full information on the timetable of the school and on "Program at a glance".

How to reach Spin Institute:  

SPIN INSTITUTE is geolocated by Google MAPS which exactly indicates the means of transport to catch.

In relation with the COVID-19 pandemic, all national rules and WHO recommendations for safety will be implement to ensure the safety of the participants, including the speakers.

Any safety equipment is made available by the organisers of the school for both, students and teachers.

This school is generously supported by the European Society for Applied Superconductivity (ESAS) 


EASITrainEuropean Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training. This Marie Sklodowska Curie Action (MSCA) Innovative Training Networks (ITN) receives funding from the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 764879.
Genoa, Italy