September 28, 2020 to October 9, 2020
Genoa, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Payment of the school fee

The conference fee amounts to €250 and It includes:

  • Attendance to the 6 days of academic lectures
  • Participation in the 2 days of Workshop
  • Coffee breaks and lunches during the academic program and the workshop
  • Social dinner 
  • Visit to ASG Superconductors factory in Genoa on Wednesday, 7th October 


If you need an invoice, send your request in advance to [at]

Please send confirmation for the payment to [at]

Bank transfer

The following reference has imperatively to be mentioned:


Bank                   UBS SA 

Account number 0240-FP100541.3


IBAN                   CH66 0024 0240 FP10 0541 3

auprès de           UBS SA. - GENEVE

Account holder   CERN-CONFERENCES


Credit card (e-payment)

Please choose "e-payment" when you fill in your registration form, then choose Postfinance CERN when you proceed with the payment. If you want to proceed with the e-payment later you can do it after having register at "Modify my registration" (in the main menu) and then "Postfinance CERN".

To be able to modify your registration you need a "CERN lightweight account", alternatively, send an e-mail to [at] with a request for modification.

Please take the bank charges.

The costs of transactions by credit card are around 2.5% of the transaction for payments by Visa or Mastercard and around 3.7% by American Express.


CERN internal payment

Please contact [at] for details.