11:00 AM
Opening Day 3 and Results of Day 2
Christian Guetl (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
11:09 AM
Plenary Session - “Infrastructure, architecture and beyond”
Chair: Maria Dimou (CERN)
11:10 AM
Keynote: "First thoughts on a data lake architecture for an open search infrastructure"
Leon Martin (University of Bamberg, Germany) et al
11:35 AM
Crypto-securities and the lex rei sitae rule
Sara Sánchez Fernández (IE Law School, IE University, Spain)
11:50 AM
Reducing Misinformation in Query Autocompletions
Djoerd Hiemstra (Radboud University, The Netherlands)
12:05 PM
Improving Open Web Index’s Transparency by Leveraging bloxberg’s Blockchain Technology
Iosif Peterfi (Max Planck Digital Library, Germany)
12:20 PM
Poster Pitches
Chair: Maria Dimou (CERN)