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22–26 Aug 2022
Rio de Janeiro
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Using gravitational waves to detect dark matter

24 Aug 2022, 11:45
Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Vice-Governador Rúbens Berardo street, 100 - Gávea Rio de Janeiro - 22451-070
Plenary/Parallel talk Gravitational waves and black holes Parallel Session Main Cupula: DM


Andrew Miller (UCLouvain)


Gravitational-wave interferometers can be used to probe the existence of dark matter. Different types of dark matter, such as primordial black holes, ultralight boson clouds around spinning black holes, axions and dark photons, could leave different imprints on gravitational-wave detectors. While arising from physically different sources, such gravitational-wave and dark-matter signals share common traits, and can be searched for with similar methods. In this talk, I explain how persistent, quasi-monochromatic signals in ground- and space-based detectors could arise from each of the aforementioned dark matter candidates. I also describe various methods and summarize search results from the most recent observing runs of Advanced LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA.

Primary author

Andrew Miller (UCLouvain)

Presentation materials

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