Aug 22 – 26, 2022
Rio de Janeiro
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

NEW:: if you need a certificate of participation please send a request to informing your name, and title of the work presented if applicable

here is a tutorial on how to upload your talk directly to the website (bypassing the dropbox link which was sent).

here is a summary of options for Lunch 

Posters should be in A0 format (portrait mode), or similar size. We recommend you to print it before the event and bring it with you.  

Preliminary timetable updated with all the contributed (plenary and parallel) talks. 

Attention: Everyone who submitted abstracts must also register in order to be able to participate in COSMO'22.


Contribution List (accepted abstracts) and Participant List (registered participants) are now displayed. Abstract acceptance can be found in Contribution List. We received around twice as many talk requests as there were available slots, and could not accommodate all who deserved a slot.

Note that due to a problem with the system, abstracts accepted for Posters sometimes originated 2 confirmation emails, the first for the selected submission type, the second confirming it was accepted as a Poster. So if you received both emails, your submission was accepted as a poster. If there are cancellations in the future some posters may be promoted to parallel talks.

The 25th annual International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology (COSMO'22) will be held fully in-person at the Planetarium of Rio de Janeiro from 22 to 26 of August. As in previous editions, the conference main topics are:

  • Dark Matter, Neutrinos and Astroparticle Physics
  • Gravitational Waves and Black Holes
  • Inflation and the primordial universe
  • Large Scale Structure
  • Modified Gravity and Dark Energy
  • Radiocosmology: CMB and 21cm
  • Statistical Methods and Tensions in Cosmology

Invited speakers:

See this link

Importante deadlines:

  • Abstract submission: from 16 March until 11 June
  • Acceptance of abstract submissions: 20 June
  • Acceptance of grant requests: until 23 June
  • Registration: until 15 July (early bird) and 16-31 July (normal registration)
  • Payment: from 24 June

Registration fee:

  • 1300 BRL (~230 EUR / ~250 USD) until 6 July
  • 1550 BRL (~270 EUR / ~300 USD) 7 July - 2 August

Grant application: Students, post-docs and researchers without personal grants may apply for two options of grants: (i) 50% discount on the registration fee; (ii) 50% discount on the registration fee plus accommodation for 5 nights (shared room with another participant). Funds for grants are limited, and acceptance of abstract for presentation is a pre-requisite for grant concession. The deadline for grant application is the same as for abstract submission.

Childcare: We have limited spaces available for childcare in-situ during the conference lectures. Recreational activities will be provided for the kids and there will be English speaking staff.

Important note: COSMO will be a fully in-person conference. The conference committee is carefully monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic developments. We will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the participants, as guided by the pandemic levels around July and August. Current local regulations demand the full vaccination with at least 2 doses from all participants. These rules remain in place as of early August and are unlikely to change until the conference. 


Rio de Janeiro
Vice-Governador Rúbens Berardo street, 100 - Gávea Rio de Janeiro - 22451-070