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22–26 Aug 2022
Rio de Janeiro
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Probing the dark sector with the Angular Redshift Fluctuations

Not scheduled
Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Vice-Governador Rúbens Berardo street, 100 - Gávea Rio de Janeiro - 22451-070
Plenary/Parallel talk Poster session


Louis Legrand


In the context of next generation galaxy surveys, new statistics of the distribution of matter are being developed. Among these, I will present the Angular Redshift Fluctuations (ARF), which keep some of the information contained in the density fluctuations of galaxies along the line of sight into an angular summary statistics. I will show how the ARF are sensitive to the peculiar velocities of galaxies, and as such to the growth of structures.
Using the Fisher formalism, I will then show how a combined analysis of ARF with traditional angular galaxy clustering can help in breaking degeneracies between cosmological parameters. In particular, in the context of upcoming galaxy surveys such as Euclid, I will focus on what we will learn on the dark sector.

Primary authors

Dr Carlos Hernandez-monteagudo (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias) Louis Legrand

Presentation materials

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