22–26 Aug 2022
Rio de Janeiro
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Galaxy clusters and cosmology

23 Aug 2022, 11:40
Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Vice-Governador Rúbens Berardo street, 100 - Gávea Rio de Janeiro - 22451-070
Plenary/Parallel talk Plenary Talk


Stefano Borgani


I will review the role that galaxy clusters have as tracers of growth of cosmic structures and to constrain the Dark Sector of the Universe. After overviewing the current state of cluster cosmology, I will show one example of cosmic tension arising when comparing cosmological posteriors derived from galaxy clusters and Lyman-alpha forest. Within this context, I will critically discuss the systematics, possibly at the origin of this tension, that need to be understood to fully exploit the potential of ongoing and future surveys (e.g. Euclid/LSST). I will then highlight the important role played by simulations within this context, and show a few examples of systematics that have been addressed thanks to the use of such simulations.


Presentation materials