Workshop on Transatlantic Networking for the LHC Experiments
This workshop will review the requirements and plans, and the key issues that must be addressed to meet the needs for transatlantic networking for the LHC experiments over the next five years. Representatives of the experiments,leading user-groups, CERN, US LHCNet and major national and continental networks on both sides of the Atlantic will come together with the aim of developing a common vision. Operational requirements and architectural concepts will be discussed in order to arrive at concrete proposals for evolving the infrastructure of today to match the experiments developing computing models. This will be done in the context of changes on the world scene as the next generation of higher speed networks emerge during the next 5 years.
Alan Blatecky
Alan Stone
Alexander Gall
Artur Barczyk
Bruno Hoeft
Dantong Yu
David Foster
Edoardo Martelli
Eric Boyd
Gerben van Malenstein
Guillaume Cessieux
Ian Fisk
Ian Gable
Iosif Legrand
James G Williams
Jan Willem Elion
Jean-Michel Jouanigot
Jerry Sobieski
Joe Metzger
John Shade
Julio Ibarra
Karin Schauerhammer
Kees Neggers
Ken Bloom
Klaus Ullmann
Kors Bos
Lars Fischer
Ludwig Pregernig
Olivier MARTIN
Otto Kreiter
Paul Sheldon
Philip DeMar
Pieter de Boer
Ramiro Voicu
Remco Frijling
Richard Carlson
Robert Van Beurden
Robert Vietzke
Roberto Sabatino
Sandor Rozsa
Scott Bradley
Shawn McKee
ShuTing Liao
Thomas Tam
Tim King
Torre Wenaus
Wen-Shui Chen
William Johnston
Zdenek Maxa