4–10 Apr 2022
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Proceedings submission deadline extended to September 11, 2022

Mirror neutron stars: how QCD can be used to study dark matter through gravitational waves

6 Apr 2022, 09:40
small aula (Auditorium Maximum UJ)

small aula

Auditorium Maximum UJ

Oral presentation Baryon rich matter, neutron stars, and gravitational waves Parallel Session T10: Baryon rich matter, neutron stars, and gravitational waves


Mauricio Hippert Teixeira (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


Given the lack of empirical evidence of weakly interacting dark matter, it is reasonable to look to other candidates such as a confining dark sector with a similar number of particles as the standard model. Twin Higgs mirror matter is one such model that is a twin of the standard model with particles masses 3-6 times heavier than the standard model that solves the hierarchy problem. This generically predicts mirror neutron stars, degenerate objects made entirely of mirror nuclear matter. We find their structure using a realistic equation of state from crust (nuclei) to core (relativistic mean-field model) and scale the particle masses using lattice QCD results. We find that mirror neutron stars have unique signatures that are detectable via gravitational waves and binary pulsars, suggesting an impressive discovery potential and ability to probe the dark sector.


David Curtin (University of Toronto) Hung Tan (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) Prof. Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign) Jack Setford (University of Toronto) Mauricio Hippert Teixeira (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Nicolas Yunes

Presentation materials