Apr 4 – 10, 2022
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Proceedings submission deadline extended to September 11, 2022

Quark Matter 2022 Proceedings

Information for Authors

Proceedings materials will be published in Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement (APPB Proc. Suppl.).

The strict limit for the plenary talks is 8 pages, for parallel talks 6 pages, and for flash talks 4 pages. The deadline for the submission is August 1, 2022. For experimental and theoretical collaborations it is planned to include only links to the full author lists of the collaborations.

To prepare the manuscript, please follow the instruction on


where you will find detailed information for authors. In particular, there are two files: template and LaTeX class that should be used to prepare a correct source of your contribution.

In APPB the submissions (papers) are processed using an online tool called "Submission Panel":


Authors do not have to register individually, all accounts will be  automatically created, but prior to this, all participants who are interested in contribution are required to provide the following details:

1. full name,

2. current e-mail address,

3. ORCID number.

Please use this online form and submit the aforementioned information:


If someone is already a registered user in the Submission Panel, no prior action is needed and the files can be uploaded using the existing account.

Once we collect necessary data, all authors will be informed that their accounts are ready and an appropriate detailed instruction will be sent to them.

Please, contact us in case of any problems or questions at acta.phys.pol.b@uj.edu.pl.