4–10 Apr 2022
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Proceedings submission deadline extended to September 11, 2022

Quarkyonic Mean Field Theory: Quark-Nucleon duality and Ghosts

6 Apr 2022, 18:38
Poster QCD matter at finite temperature and density Poster Session 2 T03


Dr Saúl Fernando Hernández Ortiz (Institute for Nuclear Theory)


We discuss mean field theory of Quarkyonic matter at zero temperature. this field theoretical description of quarkyonic matter consisting of quark, nucleon and ghost fields. The ghosts are present to cancel over-counting of nucleon states that are Pauli blocked by the quark Fermi sea. We treat the nucleons with contact interactions in mean field approximation and the quarks without mean field vector interactions, but allow mass terms to be generated consistent with the addivive quark model for quark masses.


Dr Dyana Duarte Dr Saúl Fernando Hernández Ortiz (Institute for Nuclear Theory) Dr Kie Sang Jeong (Institute for Nuclear Theory) Prof. Larry McLerran (BNL)

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