The creation of fluid-like quark-gluon plasma in small collision systems has been investigated via elliptical azimuthal anisotropy of emitted particles in these interactions. A novel search for QCD collective effects in hard probes is presented using high-$p_\mathrm{T}$ jets in 13 TeV pp collisions at CMS. Studies of short- and long-range azimuthal correlations inside a jet produced with very high-multiplicity charged daughters are presented, where the system is rotated to a new "jet frame" with the high-$p_\mathrm{T}$ jet direction being the beam z axis. We also report the first measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy for the $\Upsilon$(1S) meson in pPb collisions at 8.16 TeV. The dimuons used to reconstruct the $\Upsilon$(1S) meson are coupled with charged hadrons using the long-range two-particle correlation method. The results are discussed in terms of collectivity and modification of bottom quarks.