Apr 4 – 10, 2022
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Proceedings submission deadline extended to September 11, 2022

Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles measured with the STAR Event Plane Detector in 19.6 and 27 GeV Au+Au collisions

Apr 6, 2022, 6:06 PM
Poster Hadron production and collective dynamics Poster Session 1 T14_1


Mate Csanad (Eotvos University, Budapest)


In 2018, STAR installed the Event Plane Detector (EPD) with a pseudorapidity coverage of $2.15<|\eta|<5.09$. The EPD has enhanced STAR's capabilities in triggering, centrality measurement and event plane determination. Due to its fine radial granularity, it can also be utilized to measure pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles. In order to make such a measurement, the response of the detector material to the produced primary particles has to be understood. Monte Carlo simulations are used to determine the detector response matrix which is then used in an iterative unfolding procedure to obtain the corrected pseudorapidity distributions. As a first step towards such measurements at even lower energies, we present the results on charged particle pseudorapidity distributions measured with the EPD in $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=19.6$ and 27 GeV Au+Au collisions.


Mate Csanad (Eotvos University, Budapest) STAR Collaboration

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