The sPNENIX collaboration will start data taking in 2023 at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in BNL to study the Quark-Gluon Plasma and cold-QCD. A detector complex consisting of the solenoid magnet, a hadron calorimeter, an electromagnetic calorimeter, a time projection chamber, a MAPS-based vertex detector, and the intermediate silicon tracker (INTT) is under construction. A tracking system formed by the three latter detectors enables us to measure the heavy flavor jets and identify the three upsilon states. The INTT surrounding the collision point azimuthally at about 10 cm away with two layers of silicon strip sensors detects hit points at the intermediate area of the tracking system to have better tracking precision. In addition to that, the INTT also provides timing information of the hits, which is possible only by INTT, thanks to its good timing resolution, to eliminate pile-up events by misidentifying bunch-crossing. This poster presentation will show the performance evaluation performed at laboratories and at a beam facility, and mass production status.