Di Yang
(Tsinghua University (CN))
Coalescence hadronization in QGP would enhance $\Lambda^+_c$/$D^0$ at intermediate $p_T$ and are supposed to occur in PbPb collisions.
The charmed baryon to meson ratio, $\Lambda^+_c$/$D^0$ ratio is sensitive to hadronization, can provide important information on the charm hadronization process and formation of QGP.
Prompt $\Lambda^+_c$/$D^0$ ratio are measured in peripheral PbPb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02$ TeV by LHCb, and are measured up to $p_T = 8$ GeV/c and in the rapidity region of 2.0 to 4.5.
This poster presents the $\Lambda^+_c$/$D^0$ ratio together with comparisons to ALICE results and calculations using pythia plus color recombination and other models.
Sebastian Neubert
(University of Bonn (DE))