Parallel Session T06: Lattice QCD and heavy-ion collisions
- Rene Bellwied (University of Houston (US))
In this talk we extend the novel expansion scheme introduced in [1] to explore the impact of a strange and electric charge chemical potential. We focus on the equation of state along the strangness neutral line, which allows us to match conditions in heavy ion collision experiments. We are also able to extrapolate different thermodynamic quantities to values of the strangeness and electric...
Compared to the earlier calculation of the equation of state of QCD with physical light and strange quark masses, performed in 2017, the HotQCD collaboration has accumulated an order of magnitude larger statistics for up to 8th order cumulants on lattices with temporal extent Nt=8 and 12 and added results for Nt=16 that were not available previously. We use these high statistics results on...
One of the central goals in QCD with non-vanishing conserved charge densities is to find evidence
for the existence of the so-called critical end point (CEP) in the QCD phase diagram. Lattice QCD
calculations at smaller than physical quark masses, combined with our model based understanding of
the QCD phase diagram, suggest that this critical point, if it exists, needs to be searched for...
We present a novel approach to nonperturbatively estimate the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient, which is a key input for the theoretical description of heavy quarkonium production in heavy ion collisions, and is important for the understanding of the elliptic flow and nuclear suppression factor of heavy flavor hadrons. In the heavy quark limit, this coefficient is encoded in the...
The jet transport coefficient $\hat{q}$ is the leading coefficient that characterizes the transverse broadening of the hard parton traversing QGP. The transverse kicks received from the medium changes the off-shellness of the hard parton, which leads to enhancement in the gluon emissions. Since the transverse broadening is the dominant mechanism responsible for the suppression of the...
In this talk I shall review how the S-matrix formalism can be applied to study the thermal properties of interacting hadrons.
The central idea of this approach is to compute an effective density of state from the scattering phase shifts. As the phase shifts encode a wealth of information about the hadronic interactions, the method can robustly handle many dynamical structures, e.g....