Parallel Session T14: Hadron production and collective dynamics: I
- Claudia Ratti
Parallel Session T14: Hadron production and collective dynamics: II
- Radoslaw Ryblewski (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
The collective behavior of \ensuremath{\mathrm{K^0_S}} and \ensuremath{\Lambda}/\ensuremath{\bar{\Lambda}} strange hadrons is studied using the scalar-product and multiparticle correlation methods. Proton-lead (pPb) collisions at the nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} =$ 8.16 TeV and lead-lead (PbPb) collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}} =$ 5.02 TeV are...
Searches for the onset of deconfinement are one of the main motivations of the Beam Energy Scan (BES) program at RHIC. Strangeness production has been suggested as a sensitive probe to the early-time dynamics of the deconfined matter, due to their small hadronic interaction cross section, early freezeout from the medium and short lifetime for some resonances, e.g. $K^{*0}$. The BES Phase I...
In this work, the qualitative impact of the net baryochemical potential dependence of the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio $\eta/s$ in hydrodynamical simulations is studied. The effect of a predicted non-constant $\eta/s(\mu_B)$ is largely unexplored in hydrodynamic simulations. Previous studies focus only on a temperature dependence[1-3] or even only a constant effective shear...
Strong magnetic fields are created at the early stage of non-central heavy-ion collisions. However, whether the magnetic fields survive in the late stage of heavy-ion collisions and experimental measurements of various observables are reminiscent of the initially-created magnetic fields still remain elusive. In this talk we show that fluctuations of and correlations among net baryon number,...
Differential studies of heavy-flavour production as a function of the event charged-particle multiplicity provide insights into the role of multi-parton interactions on heavy-quark production, the relevance of color-reconnection mechanisms in heavy-quark hadronization, and the interplay of hard and soft processes in pp, p--Pb, and Pb--Pb collisions. A complementary approach on the above...
Measurements of two- and multi-particle angular correlations are presented in both $ep$ deep-inelastic scattering at $\sqrt{s}=319$ GeV and in photoproduction off protons at energies $W_{\gamma p}=270$ GeV, as a function of charged-particle multiplicity. No long-range ridge structure is observed in the correlation functions. The second-order ($V_{2∆}$) and third-order ($V_{3∆}$) azimuthal...
Collisions of small systems at RHIC exhibit a significant suppression of the nuclear modification factor $R_{xA}$ of jets and high momentum neutral pions in events with large event activity. This suppression is accompanied by an enhancement of $R_{xA}$ in events with low event activity. Since event activity is commonly interpreted as a measure of the centrality of the collisions, these results...
To understand the in-medium effects of quarkonia in heavy ion collisions, it is necessary to perform differential studies of various observables to have a global picture of the quarkonium dynamics in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Recent results in proton-proton collisions have suggested that J/$\psi$ mesons are produced with much more jet activity than model predictions, which indicate that...
One of the key challenges of hadron physics today is understanding the origin of strangeness enhancement in high-energy hadronic collisions, i.e. the increase of (multi)strange hadron yields relative to non-strange hadron yields with increasing charged-particle multiplicity. In particular, what remains unclear is the relative contribution to this phenomenon from hard and soft QCD processes and...
Understanding the initial conditions, the transport properties, and the dynamical evolution of the quark-gluon plasma are central objectives of the heavy-ion program at RHIC. The transverse momentum correlator $G_{2}\left(\Delta\eta,\Delta\varphi\right)$ has been shown to be sensitive to the shear viscosity $\eta/s$~[1,2]. On the other hand, the $\rho(v^{2}_{2},\langle p_{T} \rangle)$...
Short-lived hadronic resonances are key tools to study the hadron-gas phase that characterizes the late-stage evolution of high-energy nuclear collisions. Regeneration and rescattering processes occurring in the hadron gas can be studied by measuring the yields of hadronic resonances and comparing them with model predictions with and without the simulation of hadronic interactions....
The strongly interacting matter created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions contains a multitude of conserved quantum charges, like the baryon number, strangeness, and electric charge. These conserved charges and their currents are generally coupled to each other, e.g. a baryon diffusion current also implies a current in electric charge.
In this talk, we present a novel derivation of...
The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS obtained new data on proton and pion collective flow in Pb+Pb collisions, and on the distortion of charged pion spectra by the spectator electromagnetic field in Ar+Sc reactions. The latter is the first ever measurement of this effect in small systems at the CERN SPS.
The data on both effects are shown as a function of collision centrality and...