Based on a holographic far-from-equilibrium calculation of the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) in an expanding quark-gluon plasma, we study collisions at various energies. We compute the time evolution of the CME current in the presence of a time-dependent axial charge density and subject to a time-dependent magnetic field. The plasma expansion leads to a dilution and eventual annihilation of the...
The search for the chiral magnetic effect (CME) in isobaric collisions of Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr at RHIC was motivated by the assumed similarity of the backgrounds (e.g., $v_n$, $N_{\rm chg}$) for the two isobars. The effects of nuclear structure differences and deformation can lead to essential differences in the backgrounds for the two isobars. Here, we use a quark Glauber model, validated in...
To probe the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) in heavy-ion collisions, a new technique, Sliding Dumbbell Method (SDM) [1] is developed to search for the back-to-back charge separation on event-by-event basis. The SDM helps in selecting the events corresponding to different charge separations ($f_{DbCS}$). The charge separation distributions for each collision centrality is divided into 10...
We introduce a novel freeze-out procedure connecting the hydrodynamic evolution of a droplet of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) that has, as it expanded and cooled, passed close to a critical point on the QCD phase diagram with the subsequent kinetic description in terms of observable hadrons. The procedure converts out-of-equilibrium critical fluctuations described by extended hydrodynamics, known...
We construct a family of equations of state for QCD, which reproduce the lattice results at small chemical potential and include a critical point in the 3D Ising model universality class. These equations of state, based on the original formulation developed in [1], include the constraint of strangeness neutrality, which is phenomenologically relevant for heavy-ion collisions [2]. We then use...
We explore the transport properties of the QGP matter in the high $\mu_B$ region, where a CEP is incorporated. To this aim we extend the effective dynamical quasi-particle model (DQPM) - constructed for the description of non-perturbative QCD phenomena of the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma (QGP) - to large baryon chemical potentials, $\mu_B$, including a critical end-point and a 1st...
Transport properties of the matter created in heavy-ion collisions, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), contain essential information about quantum chromodynamics (QCD). To deepen our understanding of QCD, it is crucial to estimate these transport properties (for instance, specific shear and bulk viscosity) in the light of experimental data as accurately as possible. In this talk, we present our...
Realistic modeling of nucleus-nucleus collisions at finite baryon chemical potential is necessary to extract the location of the critical point on the QCD phase diagram and to understand the findings of the recently concluded Beam Energy Scan (BES) program at RHIC and the future planned experiments at FAIR and NICA. We propose a hydrodynamic model with three new elements. Firstly, we present a...
We study the thermodynamic properties, such as the pressure and the entropy density, of a gas of glueballs by considering the contribution of the tower of various glueball states obtained by using recent lattice calculations as well as other model results. We also include, to our knowledge for the first time, the effect of glueball-glueball interaction on thermodynamic properties. The results...
By using gravity/gauge correspondence, we employ an Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton model to compute the equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium properties of a hot and baryon rich strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma. The family of 5-dimensional holographic black holes, which are constrained to mimic the lattice QCD equation of state at zero density, is used to investigate the temperature and baryon...
We study the thermal properties of scalar quantum field theories (QFTs) involving 3-leg and 4-leg interaction terms, with special attention on the role of bound states and resonances. Within a suitable unitarization scheme, for which the employed QFT is unitary, finite, and well defined for each value of the coupling constant, we calculate the scattering phase shifts, whose derivatives are...
In this talk I review recent progress in resummed perturbative calculations of the equation of state of QCD and N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SUSY) theory. In the case of QCD, I will review progress that has been made using hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory (HTLpt) at finite temperature and quark chemical potential(s), focussing on recent NNLO HTLpt predictions for the quadratic and...
Non-equilibrium Green’s functions provide an efficient way to describe the pre-equilibrium evolution of macroscopic quantities in early stages of heavy-ion collisions.
Within the kinetic theory framework we use moments of the distribution functions to calculate time dependent non-equilibrium Green’s functions describing the evolution of initial energy/momentum/charge perturbations [1]. Using...
Hydrodynamic models are a central component of nuclear collision phenomenology. In this talk, I show that relativistic causality is violated in the early stages of state-of-the-art heavy-ion hydrodynamic simulations of nuclear collisions. Up to 75% of the initial fluid cells violate nonlinear causality constraints, while superluminal propagation is observed by up to 15% the speed of light....
An advanced Hadron Resonance Gas Model (HRGM) based on the induced surface tension equation of state [1, 2] is developed which correctly accounts for weak decays. We report our results on fits of the ratios of particle yields measured in a wide range of centre-of-mass energies from a few GeV up to 2.76 TeV. In particular, our analysis of the STAR experiment data on hadronic multiplicities...