A longstanding problem in the field is the inability for any simulation model to describe experimental flow data in extremely central collisions --- in particular, models always predict either an elliptic flow that is too large or triangular flow that is too small (or both). We reassess the status of this puzzle in light of recent progress in Bayesian parameter estimation, in which a large...
Anisotropy scaling functions can provide unique insights into the QCD phase diagram's structure and the transport properties of its respective phases. Scaling functions and scaling coefficients for unidentified and identified particle species spanning the beam energy range $0.007 \le \sqrt s_{NN} \le 5.44$ TeV will be presented and discussed. The scaling functions clarify the respective...
In high-energy heavy-ion collisions, the energy density profile of the produced quark-gluon plasma and its space-time dynamics are sensitive to the shape and radial profiles of the nuclei, described by the collective nuclear structure parameters including quadrupole deformation $\beta_2$, octupole deformation $\beta_3$, radius $R_0$ and surface diffuseness $a$ [1-3]. Using a transport model...
The measurement of hadronic resonance production in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC has led to the observation of a prolonged hadronic phase after hadronisation. Due to their short lifetime, resonances experience the competing effects of regeneration and rescattering of the decay products in the hadronic medium. Studying how the experimentally measured yields are affected by these effects can...
Recently the splitting of elliptic flow $v_2$ at finite rapidities has
been proposed to be the result of global vorticity in non-central
relativistic heavy ion collisions [1]. Here we confirm the existence
of the $v_2$ splitting. However, we show that this left-right $v_2$
splitting (on opposite sides of the impact parameter axis) is mostly
due to the non-zero directed flow $v_1$ at...
We present the first comprehensive Bayesian model-to-data comparison of heavy-ion measurements with IP-Glasma initial conditions, which we combine with state-of-the-art hydrodynamics (MUSIC), particlization (iS3D), and transport simulations (SMASH). By using IP-Glasma initial conditions with varied parameters, we produce a result with a consistent and realistic microscopic physics model for...
We probe the origin of strangeness enhancement by separating the strange particles produced in hard processes (jets) from those produced in soft processes (bulk) using the measurement of triggered hadron-$\phi$(1020) and hadron-$\Lambda$ angular correlations. Separating these measurements by event muliplicity in p-Pb collisions allows one to measure the effects of increasing system size on...
We investigate the onset of anisotropic flow in various particle-based transport approaches, ranging from the quasi-collisionless case to the hydrodynamic regime. In the former case, general arguments applied to a phase-space distribution obeying the Boltzmann equation in the limit of few rescatterings lead to a power-law increase of $v_n$ as a function of time. We confirm this behavior in...
Directed and elliptic flow have been extensively studied in heavy-ion collisions while triangular flow ($v_3$) could be further explored. $v_3$ could prove very useful as a signal for Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) formation due to its link to viscosity and the possibility that it is less affected by transport dynamics at very low energies [1]. This poster presents the current progress of an...
The hyperon puzzle is one of the biggest problems in neutron star physics. Using two-body interactions based on hypernuclear data, $\Lambda$ appears in neutron star matter at $(2-4)\rho_0$. This would soften the equation of state and make it difficult to explain the existence of $2 M_\odot$ neutron stars. Therefore, $\Lambda$ should feel a strong repulsive potential in dense nuclear matter....
Hadronic resonances can act as useful probes to examine the hadronic phase in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. On the other hand, there could also be perspectives and unexplored methods for studying the partonic phase via resonances. Properties, such as the masses and widths, of resonances produced or decaying during the partonic phase could be modified.
In order to reach resonances...
We have extended the so-called QCD colour re-connection model with spatial constraints on the allowed re-connection between the colour strings in the Pythia8/Angantyr model. The Angantyr model uses the Pythia8 event generator machinery with sophisticated stacking of pp-like collisions to simulate heavy-ion events, without any assumption of a thermalized medium of QGP. So far, all...
Heavy-ion collisions has 3 relevant conserved charges: baryon number (B), strangeness (S), and electric charge (Q). We have developed a new 2+1 relativistic viscous hydrodynamic code using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics that conserves BSQ, coupled to a 4D Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics equation of state. ICCING initial conditions that account for gluon splittings into quark anti-quark pairs...