Over the past years, considerable effort has been made to study the novel phenomena displayed by chiral systems arising from the interplay between quantum anomalies and the electromagnetic and vortical fields in a hydrodynamic framework [1]. Such novel theory is often referred to as chiral hydrodynamics. It is possible to derive the equations of motion of chiral hydrodynamics from a kinetic...
The measurements of anisotropic flow in heavy-ion collisions were crucial in establishing the perfect-liquid paradigm about quark--gluon plasma (QGP) properties. Most of these results were obtained with two- and multi-particle correlation techniques, which are in an environment characterized by large multiplicities and large flow values a precision tool. However, in the flow measurements in...
The equilibrium distribution function of free fermions including
the spin degrees of freedom is a cornerstone for chirality and
polarization studies in relativistic heavy ion physics.
In this talk, we present the first calculation of the exact
Wigner function, spin polarization vector and the chiral distribution
function for massless and massive free fermions at general
Transverse momentum broadening (TMB) of energetic partons in QCD matter plays a central role in a variety of processes studied at colliders to probe QCD ranging from jet suppression in heavy ion collisions (HIC) to TMD gluon distributions that encode information on the 3D structure of the proton and nuclei in electron-proton or proton-proton collisions. We investigate in this work [1] the...
In this talk, I will describe the implementation of the kinematical constraint within the Langevin formulation of the JIMWLK equation following the proposal of Hatta and Iancu. I will discuss the numerical stability and continuum and infinite volume extrapolations. I will compare the solutions with and without the collinear improvement. I will also comment on the rapidity evolution rate of the...
We develop a numerical method to nonperturbatively study scattering and gluon emission of a quark from a colored target using a light-front Hamiltonian approach. The target is described as a classical color field, as in the color glass condensate effective theory. The Fock space of the scattering system is restricted to the |𝑞⟩+|𝑞𝑔⟩ sectors, but the time evolution of this truncated system is...
The vector $U$-bosons, or so called 'dark photons', are one of the possible candidates for the dark matter (DM) mediators. They are supposed to interact with the standard matter via a 'vector portal' due to the $U(1)-U(1)^\prime$ symmetry group mixing which might make them visible in particle and heavy-ion experiments. While there is no confirmed observation of dark photons, the detailed...
Viscous hydrodynamics serves as a successful mesoscopic description of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (HICs). In order to investigate, how such an effective description emerges from the underlying microscopic dynamics we calculate the linear response of energy and flow perturbations in the sound and shear channels from a first-principle calculation...
We propose a new `particlization’ prescription for the conversion of hydrodynamic degrees of freedom to hadrons at the decoupling stage of heavy-ion collisions. Unlike existing particlization schemes, this method uses only macroscopic information provided by the hydrodynamic output and follows directly from the connection between information theory and statistical mechanics. We further use...
We study relativistic hydrodynamics in the presence of a non vanishing spin chemical potential. Using a variety of techniques we carry out an exhaustive analysis, and identify the constitutive relations for the stress tensor and spin current in such a setup, allowing us to write the hydrodynamic equations of motion to second order in derivatives. We then solve the equations of motion in a...
Second-order theories of fluid dynamics have been successfully employed to describe the time evolution of the hot and dense matter produced in heavy-ion collisions. Nevertheless, it has been shown that the inclusion of terms that are asymptotically of third order in gradients may be required to describe the dynamics of a fluid in the extreme conditions present at the early stages of these...
The free energy density of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four space-time dimensions is derived through second order in the 't Hooft coupling λ at finite temperature using effective-field theory methods. The contributions to the free energy density at this order come from the hard scale T and the soft scale λ√T. The effects of the scale T are encoded in the coefficients of an...
Model emulation is an important tool for tackling many nuclear physics problems, including an estimation of model parameters. As Bayesian parameter estimation becomes more common in heavy-ion physics, there is a need for an analysis package to facilitate such projects and to reduce efforts duplication. While the Bayesian statistical formalism handles this exists, the Bayesian Analysis of...
The magnetic field seems to play a significant role in shaping and working the visible universe. It gives rise to a lot of non-trivial and anomalous behavior in the system in which they are present, extending from the effects seen in condensed matter physics in Dirac and Weyl semi-metals to large cosmological objects like in neutron stars or black holes. The strength of the magnetic field in...
In the original DNMR derivation [1], irreducible moments are used to derive the evolution equations of second order hydrodynamics for the dissipative quantities (bulk viscous pressure, diffusion current and shear tensor) from kinetic theory. In general, this procedure gives rise to terms of order Kn^2 (second order in gradients), which are parabolic in nature and thus acausal. In this...