Oct 5 – 8, 2020
Asia/Tokyo timezone


The proceedings of the workshop have been published online

JPS Conference Proceedings Vol. 34 (published on June 10, 2021)
Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2020)
ISBN: 978-4-89027-147-4
Conference date: October 5-8, 2020
Location: Tsukuba, Japan (Online)
Editor-in-Chief: Akimasa Ishikawa



------- obsolete information ------


The proceedings of the workshop will be published online in JPS Conference Proceedings (https://journals.jps.jp), the open access online journal organised by Japan Physical Society. The International Advisory Committee and Local Organising Committee will oversee refereeing process.

The procedure for submission and the required style-file is described on https://journals.jps.jp/page/jpscp/authors. For each contribution a paper should be prepared with a maximum length (guideline) of

  •     8 pages for oral talks
  •     6 pages for poster presentations

The submission deadline is November 20th, 2020. --> extended to December 11th, 2020.

Late submission will not be counted and not included in the proceedings.

== Instruction for authors on submission ==
1. register to JPS Conference Proceedings (JPS-CP)
first go to
then click register here 
2. login to the JSP-CP system via
3. click "Submit a New Paper", fill in information and upload your proceedings.
4. the author receives emails from JPS-CP (jps-cp at mark jps.or.jp) entitled
[JPS Conf. Proc.] Author-Tentative# T????? and [JPS Conf. Proc.] Acknowledgement-MS# VERTEX2020-???
5. The referee's report is sent via email entitled
[JPS Conf. Proc.] Arrival of Report-MS# VERTEX2020-???
6. Please resubmit your proceedings via
7. When the proceedings is accepted, the author receives an email entitled
[JPS Conf. Proc.] Your manuscript was accepted/Request for the final version_MS# VERTEX2020-???


If you have any questions, please contact the editor, Akimasa Ishikawa (akimasa.ishikawa _at_mark_ kek.jp).


*tip to include non-eps graphics

The available Latex style file does not support to include graphic files other than eps. It is suggested to change the following command in the cls file (thanks Alessandro raising this issue):

from \RequirePackage[dvipdfmx]{graphicx} 

to \RequirePackage{graphicx}