12–16 Oct 2020
Online Workshop
Europe/Paris timezone

Benchmarking Working Group: A status report

13 Oct 2020, 17:00
Online Workshop

Online Workshop

Computing & Batch Services Tuesday evening


Domenico Giordano (CERN)


The HEPiX benchmarking working group has been very active in the past months and will present a report of the activities, concentrating on the new developments after the last report. The new candidate benchmark, designed to overcome the HEP-SPEC06 problems is being published. The HEP Benchmarking Suite has been complemented by GPU and Root benchmark.


Dr Michele Michelotto (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) Domenico Giordano (CERN) Manfred Alef (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))

Presentation materials