7–12 Jun 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

Possibility of Total Ionizing Dose Effects measurements for LHC experiments elements in a medical facility: the TIFPA-INFN experience

10 Jun 2021, 18:45


Experimental poster Tools Poster Session


Dr Benedetto Di Ruzza (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics (Italy))


Total Ionizing Dose Effects tests and measurements are crucial requirements for solid state particle sensors and electronic control systems qualification in all the LHC present experiments and future upgrades.
These measurements can be performed not only in facilities explicitly built for this mission, but with some wisdom, also in medical or biological research facilities when some minimum requirements are present. In this poster will be shown the pianification and realization of SiPM x-ray irradiations for TID measurements realized in the italian TIFPA-INFN Trento Center laboratory.
In detail will be described the minimum flexibility required by the x-ray irradiation set-up, by the dose measurement system, the irradiation pianification and realization.
Finally will be presented the limitations observed in these measurements, how can be minimized and the final results.


Dr Benedetto Di Ruzza (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics (Italy))

Presentation materials