Tobias Boeckh
(University of Bonn (DE))
FASER (ForwArd Search ExpeRiment) is a new, small and inexpensive experiment designed to search for light, weakly interacting particles during Run 3 of the LHC. Such particles may be produced in large quantities in proton-proton collisions, travel for hundreds of meters along the beam axis, and can decay in two charged Standard Model particles. To reach its physics goals, a good hit resolution, and track reconstruction to separate the two closely-spaced, oppositely charged tracks is essential. In this poster, I review the physics discovery potential of FASER and the status of the track reconstruction, which is based on the ACTS toolkit. ACTS aims to provide an experiment-independent toolkit for track reconstruction.
Tobias Boeckh
(University of Bonn (DE))
Florian Urs Bernlochner
(University of Bonn (DE))
Markus Tobias Prim
(University of Bonn (DE))