Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

25–26 Nov 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

LISA is a European Commission funded MSCA Innovative Training Network on radioactive ion beam research and applications, laser spectroscopy, scientific laser technologies and atomic theory. 

LISA Mid-Term Review brings together EU officer, consortium members and recruited researchers.

Participation is compulsory to the whole network, Beneficiaries, Partners and LISA ESRs. 

The LISA Mid-Term Review is immediately preceded by the LISA Training Kick-off event.

A certificate of participation accounting for 2 ECTS will be provided to participants who followed both these events.

Meeting ID: 953 6409 5138 Passcode: 044054 Click on the "go to map" link below to directly open Zoom link
Go to map

Due to COVID 19, the event will now be organized 100 % digitally. The current timetable now reflects the changes made. For any questions, please contact LISA Management Team.

This Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Innovative Training Networks (ITN) receives funding from the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 861198

Registration for this event is currently open.