19 May 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Prof Salvatore Costa

Professor of Experimental Physics at Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Catania, Italy

Offering a Full-time paid job in Europe

What job category are you offering a position for?
● Postdoc


What is the field of physics analysis expertise of the position which you are offering?
● No expertise in physics analysis


What is the field of physics object expertise of the position which you are offering?
● No expertise in physics objects


What is the field of detector hardware expertise of the position which you are offering?
● Tracker


Would you like to add any comments?
Primary task will be Test of Front-End Hybrid circuits during the construction of the Phase-2-upgraded Tracker. The applicant will have time for other tasks, including physics analysis.


Additional note: Prof Salvatore Costa will participate during Part I of the JMEv, starting at 18:00 CET.