Professor of Experimental Physics at Physics Department, Brown University, USA
Offering a Full-time paid job in North America
What job category are you offering a position for?
● Postdoc
● Mechanical Engineer
● Technician
● Junior physicist
What is the field of physics analysis expertise of the position which you are offering?
● No expertise in physics analysis
What is the field of physics object expertise of the position which you are offering?
● No expertise in physics objects
What is the field of detector hardware expertise of the position which you are offering?
● Tracker: Silicon detectors
Would you like to add any comments?
The CMS group at Brown University is looking for individuals to join the team working on the phase 2 upgrade of the outer tracker. Brown is playing a leading role in sensor R&D and testing and in module assembly. We have more than one position open and could hire in a range of categories, depending on the qualifications of the candidate. Physicists interested in this position can also spend a fraction of their time on physics analysis. The position is based at Brown University in Providence, RI, USA.
Additional note: Prof Ulrich Heintz will participate during Part II of the JMEv, starting at 18:00 CET.