19 May 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Prof Ulrich Heintz #3

Professor of Experimental Physics at Physics Department, Brown University, USA

Offering a Full-time paid job in North America

What job category are you offering a position for?
● Junior physicist
● Senior physicist

What is the field of physics analysis expertise of the position which you are offering?
● No expertise in physics analysis

What is the field of physics object expertise of the position which you are offering?
● No expertise in physics objects

What is the field of detector hardware expertise of the position which you are offering?
● Tracker: Detector assembly, Silicon detectors

Would you like to add any comments?
The CMS group at Brown University is looking for individuals to join the team working on the phase 2 upgrade of the outer tracker. The successful candidate will lead the sensor R&D and testing, and module assembly efforts in the lab and supervise students and postdocs working. The position is based at Brown University in Providence, RI, USA and is eligible for CMS authorship. Depending on the interest of the candidate, the position could include a fraction of effort on physics analysis.


Additional note: Prof Ulrich Heintz will participate during Part II of the JMEv, starting at 18:00 CET.