9–13 Nov 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Practical ZOOM handbook

For the PDF version, click here.

Practical handbook

1. Support

If there is any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us with further questions beyond the scope of the presented handbook. All participants are encouraged to send inquiries to fcc-zta@cern.ch.

During sessions

  • Should you encounter any urgent technical issues, you are kindly requested to communicate them exclusively to fcc-zta@cern.ch:
    • As described later on, the participants are kindly requested to test their technical set-up well ahead of time to minimize the number of issues emerging during the conference. For this purpose, there will be a Zoom test room prepared; see subsection Test room for details.
  • For every session, there will be a Zoom technical assistant (ZTA) present in the virtual meeting or webinar room to help with setting up the room.

2. Introduction

The following pages give some basic information about how the FCCNoW2020 will be organised and some basic introduction to Zoom. We hope you will find them useful.

2.1 Zoom

The plenary sessions of FCCNoW2020 will take place in Zoom Webinars, allowing up to 1000 attendees. The virtual meeting and webinar rooms for both the parallel and plenary sessions will be created by the conference organisers. The links to join the webinars and meetings will be available in Indico, while the passwords to access them will be sent by e-mail to the registered participants of the conference.

2.2 Recording

The sessions will be recorded; we would like to inform you that by participating at the virtual FCCNoW2020, you gave us consent to do so when you registered for the event.

2.3 Indico

Needless to repeat, the Zoom links to sessions can be found in Indico throughout the conference page. Please check it regularly for possible changes. The access to Indico during the conference will not be restricted to registered participants only; for this reason, please keep the Zoom passwords safe. We also kindly ask all the participants to become acquainted there with the FCCNoW2020 Code of Conduct.

3. Zoom roles

3.1 Zoom Webinar

The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for FCCIS plenary sessions and the Physics parallel session. It distinguishes 4 roles: hosts, co-hosts, panelists, and attendees.

3.1.1 Hosts and co-hosts

They can mute/unmute participants, see ”raised hands”, lower others’ hands, etc. The webinar session has to be started by the host (or an alternative host), who can assign co-host permissions. The Zoom technical assistants will be hosts of the sessions. The session chairs will be co-hosts of the webinar.

3.1.2 Panelists

They can unmute themselves, broadcast their video, share the screen. The speakers should be panelists. They are allowed to join a webinar in ‘Practice mode’ even before it is broadcast to the audience; as described below, we kindly ask the speakers to use this opportunity to test their audio/video. They and the hosts can see the messages of the chat sent to ‘All panelists’.

3.1.3 Attendees

They cannot unmute themselves unless a host has given them permission to do so. They ask for this permission by ”raising hands”. All the participants that are not hosts or panelists are attendees. They can join the webinar only once the hosts have started broadcasting it. They can only see messages in the chat window sent to ‘All panelists and attendees’, but not those sent to ‘All panelists’. They cannot see who the other attendees are.

We kindly ask the participants to test their audio/video in advance in the Test Room (described below # 4) or in the day, during the brakes. The Zoom recording will be paused during the brakes but the zoom rooms will be active.

For more information, see Roles in a webinar.

3.2 Zoom Meeting

The Zoom Meeting platform will be used for some sessions. It distinguishes 3 roles: hosts, co-hosts and participants.

3.2.1 Hosts and co-hosts

They can mute/unmute participants, etc. The meeting session has to be started by the host (or an alternative host). The Zoom technical assistants will be hosts of the sessions. The session chairs will be co-hosts of the meetings.

3.2.2 Participants

They can unmute themselves, broadcast their video or share the screen, unless these features are disabled by a (co-)host. All those who join the meeting and are not (co-)hosts are participants.

For more information, see Roles in a meeting.

4. Test room

If you would like to make a test ahead of time, we have prepared a Zoom room (link, password: FCC/test) that you may use to test your Zoom set-up, get fully familiar with screen sharing, and fine-tune your video and audio settings.

  • The room will be available on 3rd and 4th November.
  • At any time, you might ask a colleague of yours who can connect with you to this Zoom room to test independently your audio and video.
  • Moreover, in the same room there will be a Zoom technical assistants available to give you feedback on your set-up (or, for instance, give session conveners the possibility to test the co-host rights) during the following time slots (all Geneva local time):
  • November 3rd, 9 – 11 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. (Geneva local time).
  • November 4th, 9 – 11 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m. (Geneva local time).

5. Organisation of sessions

5.1. At least 30 minutes before the premiere (live) session block of the day

The virtual room for the plenary or particular parallel session will be started by the conference organieers and will remain open for the whole session.

  • In case of the Webinar-like event, the session will start in the ‘Practice Mode’; there is no ‘Practice mode’ for the Meeting-like sessions.

5.2. Connecting to the virtual room

  • To connect to the virtual room associated with a particular session block, please follow the related link in Indico.

5.3. Ten (10) minutes before the plenary and webinar-like parallel sessions starting time

  • The Zoom technical assistants will start to broadcast the webinar: From now on, the attendees will be able to join the meeting.

5.4. Two (2) minutes before the session starting time

  • The recording will start now on the computer of the host who started the meeting.

5.4. During sessions

  • Speakers and participants of the meetings should mute themselves unless they are speaking; attendees are by default muted during the webinar and just the hosts and session chairs can unmute them during Q&A.
  • For the webinars, the attendees can submit questions at the end of each talk using the ‘Raise hand’ feature in Zoom.
  • Attendees and participants should first say their name before asking their question when unmuted.
  • Attendees can post questions in the chat box, but only if they cannot use the ‘Raise hand’ feature (due to a noisy environment, etc.).

5.5. After the last live presentation of the day

  • The virtual room will stay open up to 15 minutes after the last talk, in case there will still be an ongoing discussion.

6. Acknowledgement

We would like to thank the organisers of the LHCP2020 conference for sharing with us their handbook so that we could use it as a starting point for the presented FCCNoW2020 handbook.