For the PDF version, click here.
1. Introduction
The following pages provide additional detailed instructions for the speakers, session chairs and conveners. Please read them carefully. Note that besides these specific instructions, there is also ‘Practical handbook’, which contains essential information about the conference organization and should be read by all participants. The speakers and session chairs might find there, for instance, some basic introduction to Zoom, information about the Test room for their Zoom set-up and other means of support.
The sessions will be recorded.
We kindly remind all speakers to fill-out and sign the “Speaker’s Release” form. You can find can find the document HERE.
Please, send the signed document to
2. Instructions for session chairs and speakers
To ensure flawless functioning and smooth experience throughout the conference, we kindly ask the speakers and session chairs to download the latest Zoom client for their operating system. It can be obtained after following this link:
Typically, there are multiple conveners assigned to a single session. It is upon their previous communi- cation who will be the chair of a particular session block.
We kindly ask the speakers to upload their slides well ahead of time:
- The parallel-session speakers should upload their presentations to the Indico agenda a few hours before their sessions so that the chairs can download them on their computers and broadcast the slides if the speakers have some difficulties in doing this themselves.
- For the plenary sessions, there will be a real-time closed captioning service available. We kindly ask plenary-session speakers to upload their presentations at the latest by the end of the previous- day sessions so that the professional designated for this task has time to prepare for a specific vocabulary related to each speaker’s field of research.
- Please make sure the slides are numbered so that one could refer to a particular slide easily.
The virtual room for the plenary or particular parallel session will be started by the conference organisers at least 30 minutes before the premiere (live) session block of the day and will remain open for the whole session. In case of the Webinar-like event, the session will start in the ‘Practice Mode’; there is no ‘Practice mode’ for the Meeting-like sessions (applies for most of the parallel sessions).
Connecting to the virtual room
- To connect to the virtual room associated with a particular session block, please follow the related link in Indico.
- Please use your full name so that it will be easy to identify you as speakers and session chairs.
Sharing the video
- We would like to encourage all the speakers (and session chairs) to turn on their video, which would make their presentation more personal.
Note that, unfortunately, this might not be possible due to low connection quality.
Please consider turning off you video if you encounter connection problems.
- In case it would not be possible, for various reasons, to share their live video, we kindly ask the speakers and session chairs to include their photos, at least.
Sharing the screen
- Speakers will screen-share their presentation using the ‘Share screen’ function in Zoom while presenting. When using the Zoom app, this is simply done by clicking on the green ‘Share Screen’ button at the bottom center of the Zoom screen. Then select the window (e.g., PowerPoint) that you would like to share.
For more details, please see Sharing your screen. - If you typically use more than one screen in your office set-up, please make sure you become acquainted with the sharing function in advance.
- Note that if you are sharing an individual window in Zoom, you might achieve better results if the window you want to share is already in full-screen mode before sharing, otherwise the outline of the original window remains visible over your slides.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are using Mac OS and want to use the full-screen mode, please make sure you share your whole screen, not a particular window only. Otherwise, your presentation will not be visible to other participants.
20 minutes before all the sessions starting time
- The session-block chairs and speakers should be connected by now and assure themselves that there is no problem with the connection.
- This is a good moment for the session chairs and other conveners to be promoted to co-hosts.
- The chair should ask all the speakers of the session block (one by one) to test their audio (mandatory for speakers/chairs), screen sharing (preferably the speakers will share screen, otherwise the chairs), and video (chairs and speakers if they would like to use it, which is recommended).
20 minutes before the plenary and webinar-like parallel sessions starting time
- The webinar should now be in the ‘Practice Mode’.
All chairs and speakers of the upcoming session block should join the practice session.
10 minutes before the plenary and webinar-like parallel sessions starting time
- The Zoom Technical Assistant will start to broadcast the webinar: from now on, the attendees will be able to join the meeting.
- At this point, the hosts will promote to panelists all the attendees who are speakers and that could not be added as panelists from the Zoom web interface.
2 minutes before the session starting time
- The recording will start now on the computer of the host who started the meeting.
- We kindly ask the chair of the session block also to start the recording on her/his personal computer so that there would be an additional independent backup. Please ensure that you have enough space on your device (at least 5 GB).
At the session starting time
- The chairs should say a few introductory words, with a brief welcome statement, saying for in- stance what is the scope of the session, how many participants are connected, and reminding the audience about the technical set-up:
- Speakers and participants of the meetings should mute themselves unless they are speaking; attendees are by default muted during the webinar and just the hosts and session chairs can unmute them during Q&A.
- For the webinars, the attendees can submit questions at the end of each talk using the ‘Raise hand’ feature in Zoom.
- Attendees and participants should first say their name before asking their question when unmuted.
- Attendees can post questions in the chat box, but only if they cannot use the ‘Raise hand’ feature (due to a noisy environment, etc.).
- At the beginning of each presentation, the chair should briefly introduce the speaker and remind her/him of the presentation time restrictions.
- The speakers should share the screen and (recommended, but not mandatory) turn on their video.
- During presentations, the chairs should unmute themselves, remind speakers of how much time is left, and mute again their microphone.
As an alternative, we suggest the chairs can use the ‘Annotate’ function in Zoom. In this way, they can send a message appearing on the screen without any need to interrupt the presentation. Note that this feature is only available when a participant is sharing screen. For further details, see Using annotation tools.
- At the end of each presentation, the chairs should unmute themselves and handle the Q&A. During the webinar Q&A, the attendees with a “raised hand” are in chronological order. Unmute the attendee for the question and answer and then mute her/him again. In the end, remind the attendee to “put the hand down”. Alternatively, the chairs can lower the participant’s hand if it is not done.
3. How to upload material to Indico
Please log in to Indico (‘Login’ button at the right top corner of the conference page) and follow these steps:
- Go to ‘My conference’ → ‘My contributions’ from the menu on the left-hand side. • Click on the contribution; you will see details about your presentation.
- You should see a pencil at the very bottom of this page where it is written ‘PresentationMaterials’. – You can upload (or delete) your materials by clicking on the pencil.
- If you cannot see your contributions in Indico, please make sure you are logged in using the same email address as for the registration (or add another email address in the settings of your Indico account).
Please add your material to Indico at least one day before your presentation is scheduled.
- Even if your talk may not be ready yet, we recommend trying to go through the process well in advance, so there is enough time for solving issues that might arise.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Submission of a contribution requires CERN credentials or CERN lightweight account (LightWeight Account Registration Process ).
Please, do not hesitate to contact us at if you encounter troubles with uploading the material.
4. Acknowledgement
We would like to thank the organizers of the LHCP2020 conference for sharing with us their handbook so that we could use it as a starting point for the presented FCCNoW2020 instructions.