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1–5 Nov 2010
The Statler Hotel
America/New_York timezone

CERNs image distribution system for the internal cloud

1 Nov 2010, 16:00
The Statler Hotel

The Statler Hotel

Cornell UniversityIthaca NY USA
Virtualization Virtualization


Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)


In any large-scale virtualized environment, the image distribution system plays a central role. It is must not only deliver up-to-date images to the hypervisor with appropriate performances, but it should also establish and maintain a sufficient level of trust in the actual images that are being distributed. These issues can be addressed by using a peer-to-peer-based image distribution system, depending on a trusted and signed index providing an up-to-date list of images that hypervisors can trust. This presentation describes the technologies used to establish such an infrastructure at CERN, the challenges encountered in their deployment and in their integration in a production environment, as well as the future developments, in particular to enable virtual image sharing with other sites.

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