List of Registrants as of 19 Oct 2010
This list will lag registrations by a few days, since it is a manual upload from an external system.
Organization | Last Name | First Name |
Christophe | Bonnaud | |
Academia Sinice Grid & Cloud | Lee | Hung Te |
CASPUR | Maslennikov | Andrei |
CEA DSM/IRFU | DESVIGNES | Jean-claude |
CEA IRFU | Micout | Pierrick |
Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 | Olivero | Philippe |
CERN | Barring | Nils |
CERN | BELL | Tim |
CERN | Grzywaczewski | Pawel |
CERN | Janyst | Lukasz |
CERN | Kelemen | Peter |
CERN | Meinhard | Helge |
CERN | Salter | Wayne |
CERN | Schwickerath | Ulrich |
CERN | Silverman | Alan |
CERN | Smith | Tim |
CERN | Wartel | Romain |
CHESS | Yang | Shijie |
Cornell University | Boeheim | Charles |
Cornell University | Cochran | Richard |
Cornell University | VanEe | James |
DESY | Finnern | Thomas |
DESY | Friebel | Wolfgang |
DESY | Haupt | Andreas |
DESY | Schwendicke | Helga |
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY | van der Reest | Pieter |
Fermilab | Chadwick | Keith |
Fermilab | Crawford | Matt |
FZU AS CR | Elias | Marek |
IN2P3 Computing Center | Cessieux | Guillaume |
IN2P3/CNRS Computing Centre | Brinette | Pierre-Emmanuel |
INFN | Michelotto | Michele |
INFN - Sezione di Milano | Prelz | Francesco |
INFN-CNAF | Chierici | Andrea |
Institute of Physics AS CR | Lokajicek | Milos |
Institute of Physics ASCR | Fiala | Lukas |
Institute of Physics of the AS CR, v.v.i. | Kundrat | Jan |
Jefferson Lab | Philpott | Sandy |
LAL/CNRS | Jouvin | Michel |
Nikhef | Kuipers | Paul |
SFU | Chelsky | Sergey |
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Wachsmann | Alf |
STFC | Collier | Ian |
STFC-RAL | Bly | Martin |
STFC-RAL | Kelsey | David |
TRIUMF | Caron | Bryan |
Ume̴ Universitet | Wadenstein | Mattias |