Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

1–5 Nov 2010
The Statler Hotel
America/New_York timezone

Status update of the CERN Virtual Infrastructure

3 Nov 2010, 15:50
The Statler Hotel

The Statler Hotel

Cornell UniversityIthaca NY USA
Virtualization Virtualization


Tim Bell (CERN)


During 2010, the number of Virtual Machines in the CERN Virtual Infrastructure has doubled to 600. These VMs are owned by a large number of users from very different CERN communities. CVI is based in Microsoft's Hyper-V product, with a web-based self-service and a SOAP interface. We present details of the service architecture, its current implementation and usage, and our plans for future enhancements. Special emphasis will be given to the SLC5 Virtual Machines.

Primary author


Tim Bell (CERN)

Presentation materials