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ECHEP-UK progress meeting

    • 14:30 14:40
      Introduction 10m
      Speakers: Conor Fitzpatrick (University of Manchester (GB)), Prof. Dave Newbold (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB)), Sinead Farrington (University of Edinburgh)
    • 14:40 14:50
      PPRP Project Leader Plans 10m
      Speaker: Davide Costanzo (University of Sheffield (GB))
    • 14:50 15:05
      Simulation 15m
      Speakers: Adam Davis (University of Manchester (GB)), Benjamin Morgan (University of Warwick (GB)), Benjamin Morgan (University of Warwick)
    • 15:05 15:20
      Generators 15m
      Speakers: Andy Buckley (University of Glasgow (GB)), Marek Schoenherr (University of Durham), Marek Schoenherr (University of Durham (GB))
    • 15:20 15:35
      Analysis 15m
      Speakers: Eduardo Rodrigues (University of Liverpool (GB)), Dr Lukasz Kreczko (University of Bristol (GB)), Tim Martin (University of Warwick (GB))
    • 15:35 15:50
      Trigger/Reco 15m
      Speakers: Christopher Rob Jones (University of Cambridge (GB)), Dr Manuel Tobias Schiller (University of Glasgow (GB)), Stewart Martin-Haugh (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), Tim Martin (University of Warwick (GB))