24 November 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

GAMAS - A Generic and Multipurpose Archive System

Not scheduled


Etienne Lyard (University of Geneva) Roland Walter (University of Geneva) Vitalii Sliusar (University of Geneva) Dominik Neise (ETHZ - ETH Zurich) Adrian Biland (ETH Zurich) Pablo Fernandez Fernandez (ETH Zurich (CH))


There exist many distributed storage
systems that are mature and reliable, for
instance DIRAC, iRods and OneData.
These systems lack compliance with the
Open Archival Information Systems (OAIS)
standard and require data centres that run
them to accommodate for their specific
needs. We introduce GAMAS, a novel
distributed OAIS. GAMAS is a lightweight
python package that can be interfaced with
any storage via a plugin system. It is
modular and can be used stand-alone or in
conjunction with pre-existing distributed
storage systems. It ensures data integrity
and provides high-level data management
based on experiments metadata.

Primary author

Etienne Lyard (University of Geneva)


Roland Walter (University of Geneva) Vitalii Sliusar (University of Geneva) Dominik Neise (ETHZ - ETH Zurich) Adrian Biland (ETH Zurich) Pablo Fernandez Fernandez (ETH Zurich (CH))

Presentation materials