Philipp Kant
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
A Key feature of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard
Model (MSSM) is the existence of a light Higgs boson, the mass of
which is not a free parameter but an observable that can be predicted
from the theory. Given that the LHC is able to measure the mass of a
light Higgs with very good accuracy, a lot of effort has been put into
a precise theoretical prediction.
We present a calculation of the SUSY-QCD corrections to this
observable to three-loop order. We perform multiple asymptotic
expansions in order to deal with the multi-scale three-loop diagrams,
making heavy use of computer algebra and keeping a keen eye on the
numerical error introduced.
We provide a computer code in the form of a Mathematica package that
combines our three-loop SUSY-QCD calculation with the literature of
one- and two-loop corrections to the Higgs mass, providing a
state-of-the-art prediction for this important observable.
Primary author
Philipp Kant
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Luminita Mihaila
Matthias Steinhauser
Robert V. Harlander
(Bergische Universität Wuppertal)