28 November 2021 to 4 December 2021
Jeju Booyoung Hotel
Asia/Seoul timezone

Recent Results on Baryon Structures and Dark Sector Searches at Belle and Belle II

1 Dec 2021, 11:20
Emerald Hall A&B (Jeju Booyoung Hotel)

Emerald Hall A&B

Jeju Booyoung Hotel

Invited talk Plenary Session


Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei University)


The Belle experiment using KEKB collider at KEK, Japan, has made immense contribution to heavy flavor physics with observations of CP violation in B systems and rare B-meson decay measurements. The Belle II experiemnt using SuperKEKB is an upgrade of Belle and aims at collecting 50 times more data. In this talk, we present a selection of recent physics results from Belle. In particular, we will discuss recent results in the baryon spectroscopy and structures from Belle as well as searches for dark sector phenomena from Belle and Belle II.

Primary author

Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei University)

Presentation materials