28 November 2021 to 4 December 2021
Jeju Booyoung Hotel
Asia/Seoul timezone

A light-front supersymmetric field theory

2 Dec 2021, 14:00
Emerald Hall A (Jeju Booyoung Hotel)

Emerald Hall A

Jeju Booyoung Hotel

Contributed talk Parallel Session


Daya Shankar Kulshreshtha (University of Delhi)


In this talk, we consider a light-front supersymmetric field theory described by the Wess-Zumino model (WZM) which remains invariant under rigid/global supersymmetry transformations (that rotate bosons into fermions and fermions into bosons). The theory satisfies the super Poincare algebra (SPA) and has a non-manifest supersymmetry (different from the superfield formalism). The instant-form (IF) quantization (IFQ) of the theory is being facilitated due to the fact that $(\gamma^0)^2 = 1$ even though the theory has fermi fields. However, new problems arise in the light-front (LF) quantization (LFQ) of the theory originating from the fact that $(\gamma^\pm)^2 = 0$ where $\gamma^\pm := (\gamma^0 \pm \gamma^3)$. This difficulty gets resolved if one goes to the formalism of so-called good fermions and the bad fermions ($\grave{ a}$ la Mannheim, Lowdon and Brodsky (MLB)) that one defines with the help of the projection operators of the theory ($\Lambda^\pm := \frac{1}{2} \gamma^0 \gamma^\pm $). Using this formalism, we study the LFQ of this theory using the Hamiltonian and path integral quantization procedures.

Primary author

Daya Shankar Kulshreshtha (University of Delhi)

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