8–11 Feb 2021
Lecce, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Beam Tests of the first CMS HGCAL Tilemodule prototypes

10 Feb 2021, 16:00
Lecce, Italy

Lecce, Italy


Mr Malinda de Silva (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))


For the HL-LHC phase, the calorimeter endcap of the CMS detector will be upgraded with a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL), a sampling calorimeter which will use silicon sensors as well as scintillator tiles read out by silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) as active material (SiPM-on-tile). The complete HGCAL will be operated at -30 degC. The SiPMs will be used in areas where the expected radiation dose during the lifetime of the detector is up to 5*10$^{13}$ neq/cm$^2$. The design of the SiPM-on-tile part is inspired by the CALICE AHCAL.

The basic detector unit in the SiPM-on-tile part is the tilemodule, consisting of a PCB with one or two HGCROC ASICs, reading out up to 96 tiles with SiPMs. The first functional tilemodule prototypes have been constructed with HGCROC2 ASICs and SiPMs which are candidates for the HGCAL production. They have undergone beam tests at DESY and Fermilab, investigating the interplay of the components and evaluating the performance with several scintillator tile types. First test were also peformed with irradiated SiPMs.


Mr Malinda de Silva (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))

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