First Results from the LHC and Their Physical Interpretation
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
Institute for High Energy Physics (State Corporation “Rosatom”) is planning to organize the International Workshop “First Results from the LHC and Their Physical Interpretation” 19–21 October, 2010, in Protvino, Moscow region, Russia.
The main goal of the workshop is a thorough discussion of the early experimental results from the LHC collaborations ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, ALICE, TOTEM and LHCf and their theoretical interpretations.
The following topics are to be discussed:
* Status and plans of LHC machine
* Status and performance of the experiments
* QCD studies
* Forward physics
* EW studies (W/Z productions)
* B - physics
* First searches
* Potential of the experiments for 1 fb-1 at 3.5 × 3.5 TeV
About 50 scientists from Russia and other countries are expected to participate. The sessions will be held in the Conference Hall of the Theory Division Building. The reports will be given in the form of plenary talks (20-40 min). The Proceedings of the Workshop will be published by the IHEP publication office.
The Workshop will be held in Protvino, a small town 100 km to the south of Moscow. The town is situated nearby the State Research Center of Russia—IHEP (Serpukhov 76 Gev accelerator) inside a pine forest and near the Protva river. The participants will be accommodated in the “Protva” hotel in single or double rooms. Prices for one night are from $30 to $70. The total living expenses (including breakfast, lunch, and dinner) will be about $10 a day. The participants can have their meal in the restaurant and snack-bar of the Hotel and in the restaurant of the Club of Scientists.
All the participants will be transported from the Sheremetievo or Domodedovo airports to Protvino by the IHEP transport. The information on flights or trains and the date of arrival should be communicated to the Scientific Secretary of the Organizing Committee a few days in advance.
For those who needs a Russian visa — September 20, 2010.
For those who needs no Russian visa — October 5, 2010.
Please, send us the title of your talk (may be preliminary) before September 20, 2010 and
try to upload your presentation by web interface (will be open after September 20)
or send it by e-mail before October 5, 2010. Please inform
organizers about any changes.
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Morning session Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEP-
Opening Address 10m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Nikolai Tyurin (Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP)) - 09:10
- 09:50
- 10:30
Coffee break 20m Theoretical Division (IHEP, Protvino)
Theoretical Division
IHEP, Protvino
- 11:30
CMS track reconstruction and performance during pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV 30m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Roberto Castello (University of Torino & INFN) -
Performance of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker with Cosmic Rays and First High Energy Collisions at LHC 30m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Ruslan Mashinistov (Moscow Physical Engineering Institute (MePhl)) -
Magnetic spectrometer based on the straw operated in vacuum environment 20m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Iouri Potrebenikov (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (JINR))
Lunch 1h 30m
Evening Session Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEP- 15:00
- 15:30
- 16:10
- 16:40
Coffee break 20m Theoretical Division (IHEP, Protvino)
Theoretical Division
IHEP, Protvino
Search for Scalar Leptoquarks Using Events Containing Two Leptons and Two Jets in CMS 30m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Mikhail Kirsanov (Institute for Nuclear Research (INR)) -
First searches for physics beyond the Standard Model at CMS 30m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Carmen Diez Pardos (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (CIE) -
Early searches for new physics with the ATLAS detector 30m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Eugene Sedykh (High Energy Physics Division (HEPD)-Theory Division-Petersburg N)
Welcome drink 2h Theoretical Division
Theoretical Division
IHEP, Protvino
Morning Session Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEP- 09:30
- 10:00
- 10:30
- 11:00
Coffee Break 20m Theoretical Division (IHEP, Protvino)
Theoretical Division
IHEP, Protvino
Russian Counterpart of LHC — Accelerator Complex U70 of IHEP 30m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Prof. Sergey Ivanov (Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP))
Lunch 1h
Excursion to Polenovo Manor & Museum 4h 30m Polenovo
Conference Dinner 2h Club of Scientists
Club of Scientists
IHEP, Protvino
Morning Session Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEP-
Neutral meson spectra measurements in pp collisions at 7 TeV with ALICE 30m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Yuri Kharlov (State Res.Center of Russian Feder. Inst.f.High Energy Phys. (IFVE)) - 10:00
- 10:30
Coffee break 20m Theoretical Division (IHEP, Protvino)
Theoretical Division
IHEP, Protvino
- 11:20
- 11:50
- 12:20
Lunch 1h 30m
Evening Session Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEP- 14:30
- 15:00
- 15:30
- 16:00
Coffee break 20m Theoretical Division (IHEP, Protvino)
Theoretical Division
IHEP, Protvino
- 16:50
On Early Physics Results from the LHC: Heavy Quarks, Gauge Bosons and Some Relic Stuff 30m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Anatoli Likhoded (State Res.Center of Russian Feder. Inst.f.High Energy Phys. (IFVE)) -
Is the LHC to Trigger a Scientific Revolution? 30m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Vladimir Petrov (State Res.Center of Russian Feder. Inst.f.High Energy Phys. (IFVE)) -
Closing Address 10m Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
Theoretical Division, Conference Hall
IHEP, Protvino
142281, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Protvino, Pobeda-1, IHEPSpeaker: Nikolai Tyurin (Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP))
Farewell drink 2h Theoretical Division
Theoretical Division
IHEP, Protvino